Strategic Planning


To empower our community for success by meeting the postsecondary learning needs of all San Antonio College Students through equitable educational practices for diverse populations in a globally networked society. To help students achieve their full potential by preparing them to graduate, transfer, or enter the workforce with effective critical thinking skills, communication proficiency, leadership ability, personal and civic responsibility, empirical and quantitative understanding, performance proficiency, and the ability to work effectively in teams.


San Antonio College will be the best in the nation in Student Success and Performance Excellence. 


SAC is committed to building individual and collective character through the following sets of values in order to fulfill their vision and mission.

  • Students First
  • Community-engaged
  • Can Do Spirit
  • Respect for All
  • Collaboration
  • Data-informed 

Download the Strategic Plan Flyer


Strategic Planning at San Antonio College

San Antonio College engages in planning and evaluation processes that are on-going, integrated, research-based (data-informed) and are conducted in multiple places and at multiple levels within the college. Most of the planning and assessment processes at the college are well-developed and deployed, and deliver valuable results that inform specific strategies for improvement in the next planning cycle, or lead to continuous iterative improvements.

Strategic Planning Process

San Antonio College engages in ongoing planning and evaluation processes that occur across weekly, monthly, each semester, annual, biannual, and multi-year cycles. Shorter cycles provide the college with flexibility to evaluate specific strategies and alter those that are ineffectual or lead to negative consequences. Longer cycles provide the college with an opportunity to do meta-assessments of its mission and vision.

SAC Operational Strategic Planning Assessment Cycle

Strategic Planning Review and Evaluation

The college strategic planning and evaluation processes incorporate a systematic review of the institutional mission, goals, and outcomes. Development of San Antonio College's strategic plan begins with the college mission, vision, and values statements. In addition to an annual review/revision of goals and objectives, the mission, vision and values statements are also reviewed.

All college strategic goals and objectives are reviewed annually and updated with current performance metrics. Each year, the Strategic Quality Enhancement Committee, SQEC, (formerly SQET) which meets monthly, reviews the college’s status toward achieving goals and objectives. If the targets have been met, they may be revised and new timelines set. Targets may also be revised based on special initiatives, or new objectives may be added. The college aligns its strategic plan with the Alamo Colleges District’s strategic plan. The college divisions (Student Success, Academic Success, and College Services) align their goals and objectives with the college's strategic plan.

Each department/unit at the college, with a strategic plan, is responsible for reviewing/updating its strategic plan at least twice annually and answering analysis questions. SQEC conducts a summer evaluation of unit strategic plans.

Using Planning and Evaluation Results to Inspire Improvement

At San Antonio College the planning and evaluation processes result in improvements in institutional quality. At the college level, the key performance indicator (KPI) metrics that track progress towards the college strategic plan are generally updated at least annually. Once strategic targets are met, new targets are established to continue to stretch the improvement. When opportunities for improvement are identified, through any of the variety of evaluation processes in place at the college, the College Executive Team, CET, and the Strategic Quality Enhancement Committee, SQEC, with input from critical departments, recommend improvement strategies to the College Council for approval.


SAC Strategic Plan 2022-2025

The San Antonio College 2019-2022 Strategic Plan which has Student Success, Principle-Centered Leadership, Performance Excellence, and Equity as the top strategic priorities is coming to a close. The next strategic plan will lead SAC to a new century of excellence. SAC celebrates its 100th anniversary September 2025.

To engage the SAC community, in structuring the San Antonio College 2022-2025 Strategic Plan, the SAC Integrated Planning and Performance Excellence, IPPE, department:

  • Hosted Visioning Sessions via Zoom with faculty, staff, students, and a session with the College Executive Team, CET.
  • Will survey students, to share their vision for San Antonio College – their 2021 Aspen Prize Winner!
  • Will host a Stakeholders Meeting in which internal and external stakeholders, conduct an analysis to identify internal strengths and weaknesses, and external opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis).

Historical data, in addition to, feedback from the Visioning Sessions, the survey, and the Stakeholders Meeting will help shape the San Antonio College 2022-2025 Strategic Plan.

Resources - Visioning San Antonio College 2022-2025 Stakeholders Meeting

Student Success Measures | Male Population Equity Subgroup
SAC Student Success Measures

San Antonio College identifies, evaluates, and publishes multiple measures of student success aligned to the College’s Mission through its strategic planning process. As a mission-driven institution, all things begin and end with the college mission. As part of the college’s commitment to continuous improvement, the Strategic Quality Enhancement Committee (SQEC) whose sole purpose is to advance the College Strategic Plan, reviewed and revised the Mission Statement.

The Mission Statement approved by the Board of Trustees is as follows:

To empower our community for success by meeting the postsecondary learning needs of all San Antonio College Students through equitable educational practices for diverse populations in a globally networked society. To help students achieve their full potential by preparing them to graduate, transfer, or enter the workforce with effective critical thinking skills, communication proficiency, leadership ability, personal and civic responsibility, empirical and quantitative understanding, performance proficiency, and the ability to work effectively in teams.

Each fall and spring semesters, since 2014, the entire college has participated in a day-long event recognized as SAC Scores as part of SAC’s commitment to continuous improvement. Throughout SAC Scores day, departments participate in analysis and evaluation of Strategic Planning, Student Learning Assessment, and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

As part of the strategic planning assessment, participants review individual, program, division, and college-level data as appropriate. The college-level progress, on its SAC Strategic Plan, is ultimately documented on the SAC Student Success Measures Scorecard.

During the Spring of 2019, a group of stakeholders (students, faculty, staff, administrators, trustees, community leaders, educational partners, district partners, university partners, and local political leaders) participated in a SWOT analysis, which resulted in establishing the college’s four Strategic Priorities: 1. Student Success, 2. Principle-Centered Leadership, 3. Performance Excellence and 4. Equity. The SQEC then identified and published the SAC 2019-2022 Strategic Plan with the mission, vision, values, priorities and goals. Strategic plan goals, measures, benchmarks, targets, and outcomes are published on the SAC Student Success Measures Scorecard after each SAC Scores.

The focus of Priority 1. Student Success is achieved through the following three goals:

Goal 1 – Achieve higher rates of enrollment, persistence, course completion rate, engagement, FTIC graduation rate, and total number of awards (certificates and degrees) across all student groups.

Goal 2 – Achieve and sustain excellent student and college support services, delivery of world-class programs, and high-quality instruction to create a best place to learn environment.

Goal 3 – Continue to develop, assess, and improve data-informed pathways to support student academic success and career planning, and to advance equity.

The Student Success Priority, Goals, and respective measures are listed in the following Table: Alignment of Student Achievement Measures to Strategic Plan.

Table: Alignment of Student Achievement Measures to Strategic Plan

 Priority  Goal  Measure(s)


Sustain, assess, and improve student pathways and optimize campus environments to expand access, increase retention, and guide and support student success through completion.

GOAL 1: Achieve higher rates of enrollment, persistence, course completion rate, engagement, FTIC graduation rate, and total number of awards (certificates and degrees) across all student groups.


  1. Enrollment
  2. Persistence
  3. Course Completion Rate, CCR, (number of students at the end of course) and Productive Grade Rate, PGR
  4. Engagement
  5. FTIC Graduation Rate
  6. Total Number of Awards (certificates and degrees)

 Priority  Goal  Measure(s)


Sustain, assess, and improve student pathways and optimize campus environments to expand access, increase retention, and guide and support student success through completion.

GOAL 2: Achieve and sustain excellent student and college support services, delivery of world-class programs, and high-quality instruction to create a best place to learn environment.


  1. Transfer Rate
  2. Employment Rate
  3. Enrollment in high-wage high-demand programs



 Priority  Goal  Measure(s)


Sustain, assess, and improve student pathways and optimize campus environments to expand access, increase retention, and guide and support student success through completion.

GOAL 3: Continue to develop, assess, and improve data-informed pathways to support student academic success and career planning, and to advance equity.


  1. AlamoADVISE completion average of Individual Success Plan (ISP), Personal Mission Statement (MMS), Touchpoints at 15, 30, and 45 hours
  2. Number of faculty and staff having participated in equity training


Access the SAC Student Success Measures Scorecard


Victoria L. Moe

Director of Strategic Initiatives
(210) 486-0964
Catherine F. Coppersmith, M.Ed.

Coordinator of Measurement and Evaluation
(210) 486-1392